
[thangk] /θæŋk/
verb (used with object)
to express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to:
She thanked them for their hospitality.
thank God, (used interjectionally to express relief, thankfulness, etc.)
Also, thank goodness, thank heaven.
Usually, thanks. a grateful feeling or acknowledgment of a benefit, favor, or the like, expressed by words or otherwise:
to return a borrowed book with thanks.
thanks, (used as an informal expression of gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment).
have oneself to thank, to be personally to blame; have the responsibility:
The citizens have only themselves to thank for corruption in government.
thanks to, because of; owing to:
Thanks to good organization and hard work, the benefit concert was a great success.
thank you, (used interjectionally to express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment, as for a gift, favor, service, or courtesy).
before 900; (noun) Middle English: favorable thought, goodwill, gratitude, (in singular and plural) expression of thanks; Old English thanc (in singular) expression of thanks, orig., thought, thoughtfulness; (v.) Middle English thanken, Old English thancian (cognate with Dutch, German danken); akin to think1
Related forms
thanker, noun
rethank, verb (used with object)
unthanked, adjective
unthanking, adjective
British Dictionary definitions for thank god


verb (transitive)
to convey feelings of gratitude to
to hold responsible: he has his creditors to thank for his bankruptcy
used in exclamations of relief: thank goodness, thank God
I'll thank you to, used ironically to intensify a command, request, etc: I'll thank you to mind your own business
Word Origin
Old English thancian; related to Old Frisian thankia, Old Norse thakka, Old Saxon, Old High German thancōn
Word Origin and History for thank god



Old English þancian "to give thanks," from Proto-Germanic *thankojan (cf. Old Saxon thancon, Old Norse þakka, Danish takke, Old Frisian thankia, Middle Dutch, German danken "to thank"), from *thankoz "thought, gratitude," from PIE root *tong- "to think, feel." For sense evolution, cf. related Old English noun þanc, þonc, originally "thought," but by c.1000 "good thoughts, gratitude." The whole group is from the same root as think (q.v.). In ironical use, "to blame," from 1550s. To thank (someone) for nothing is recorded from 1703. Related: Thanked; thanking.

Idioms and Phrases with thank god

thank God

Also, thank goodness or heaven. I'm grateful, as in Thank God you arrived safely, or We didn't, thank goodness, run out of food, or Thank heaven the book arrived on time. These ejaculations originally expressed gratitude to divine providence but today tend to be used in a more casual way. [ c. 1200 ]